In this first round, 20 to 22 applications will be granted, depending on the subsidy amount the institutions request. After the application deadline closes on 1 November, DUS-I, with an assessment committee, will begin evaluating the applications. Subsequently, the assessment committee will provide a recommendation to the minister for the allocation of the subsidies.
The subsidy scheme
One of Npuls’ ambitions is that by 2031 all 107 publicly funded vocational, higher vocational, and academic institutions will have established or further developed a Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL). The CTL subsidy scheme enables institutions to request financial support for the establishment or expansion of a CTL within their educational institution. Institutions can apply for a subsidy ranging from a minimum of €250,000 to a maximum of €500,000 per institution. The application for a subsidy, as well as its allocation, is processed through DUS-I.
Guidance from Npuls
Npuls assists institutions in establishing and further developing a CTL and by promoting knowledge sharing within the CTL community. Participating institutions are encouraged to collaborate and share knowledge and experiences with each other.
Four rounds
All institutions will be eligible for a CTL subsidy in the coming years. The allocation will take place in four rounds via DUS-I. The scheme that has now been published focuses on the development of up to 44 CTLs in the first two subsidy rounds. The first application round is open from 2 to 31 October 2023. The second application round is open from 1 to 31 October 2024.
Where can I go with questions?
Do you have a question about the scheme, the criteria, the implementation of the scheme, the procedure, and the method of assessment? Then you can contact DUS-I.
For all substantive questions about CTLs, questions about guidance from Npuls, and mutual collaboration, you can approach Npuls. We have already answered many questions for you in our FAQ. If your question isn’t listed, please send an email to ctl@npuls.nl, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Why a Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)?
In a Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL), teachers can seek support for renewing their education. Knowledge about educational innovation with ICT is shared and exchanged, both locally – between teachers and courses – and between institutions, both nationally and internationally. During Npuls, all public vocational schools, universities of applied sciences, and universities are developing a CTL in a way that fits the institution’s own context, structure, and culture.
Want to know more about a CTL? Read more here.