
How can broad, fast-growing EdTech offerings enrich education? The pilot hub EdTech works with a well-functioning national EdTech ecosystem that enables lecturers and learners to optimally use the didactic possibilities offered by EdTech. This system should make it easier for institutions to select innovations that are optimised to their needs and which they can implement sustainably. 

Do you want to be up to date with developments around EdTech? Sign up for the community event on Thursday 10 April 2025.

What is this focus area about?


What is EdTech?
EdTech is an umbrella term for educational technology. These are tools that have been developed specifically to enrich education or to streamline educational processes. EdTech is evolving rapidly and the range of offerings is growing explosively. This is a welcome development, as the demand for useful apps and tech solutions in vocational education and training schools, universities of applied sciences and research universities is growing rapidly. 

Why a pilot hub? 
The opportunities offered by EdTech are not being sufficiently harnessed. EdTech procurement and deployment in educational institutions is currently ineffective and inefficient. Public values are inadequately safeguarded and the possibilities of public-private partnerships are not yet being used their full potential In other words, theres still a lot to be done. 

With the pilot hub, we look at how to do it better.

That is, how educational institutions and EdTech parties can find each other more easily, collaborate better and learn from each other. We are exploring how educational institutions can pool their resources to come up with a more robust procurement strategy and how they can use EdTech to deploy tools that truly address their needs and challenges. In this way, they will be able to use these tools more effectively and sustainably. And, finally, how Dutch companies can tap into this to become valuable partners for the education sector. In short, how we will collectively develop a fully-fledged, national EdTech ecosystem. 

What exactly does the pilot hub do? 
By experimenting – through a short, iterative process of exploring, testing and learning – we explore how this fully-fledged ecosystem might work. The best approach is to just get started rather than overthinking everything in advance. This way we discover what works and what does not work. We can learn a lot by doing it this way. 


In the pilot hub EdTech, we focus on ideas dealing with different themes, such as public-private partnerships, public values, strategy and procurement for different target groups (learners, lecturers, EdTech companies).

Some of the projects we are involved in are: 

  • Marketplace for EdTech
  • Co-creation Lab
  • Long-term vision for EdTech 

If you’d like to know more about our work or wish to take part, please send an email to edtech@npuls.nl. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Who are we doing this for?

pet afstuderen


… get better education through EdTech (e.g. by supporting EdTech solutions in flexible education)


Educational professionals

… have knowledge and skills about EdTech, have tools and work with EdTech companies

stijgende lijn

Procurement professionals

… have innovative procurement methods for collaboration with EdTech suppliers

Sign up for the EdTech mailing and stay up to date about updates and events

Are you, as an educational professional, involved in EdTech? Sign up here for the updates from pilot hub EdTech. Please sign up here. 

Stay up to date

In the sprint presentation of the pilot hub, we bring you up to date on the latest developments in EdTech. Would you like to attend the next sprint presentation? Join us via the link below. There you can also replay previous sprint presentations.

Join the next sprint presentation

Best practices en lessons learned

In the media

VISTA Edutalk

What is Npuls, what does one do and why is it interesting for vocational education training schools? In this podcast episode of VISTA college, we dive deeper into Npuls as a programme, EdTech as a focus area and its relationship with the teacher. Will you listen back too?

Data Dialoog

What is the core and importance of the pilot hub EdTech? How can the different educational institutions strengthen each other on digitisation? And what steps are still needed? In this podcast episode from Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Renske de Beijer and Jelle Kok are guests. Renske is project leader of the pilot hub EdTech, and Jelle is Npuls quartermaster, also of the pilot hub EdTech.

Our collaborations

Dutch EdTech

Where the pilot hub EdTech, as part of Npuls, mainly considers the needs of educational institutions, Dutch EdTech focuses on the interests of EdTech companies. Demand (from educational institutions) and supply (from EdTech companies) come together in the collaboration between pilot hub EdTech and Dutch EdTech. We are each other’s first point of contact and sparring partner in issues that call for active involvement of EdTech companies or educational institutions. Together we are stronger.

Would you like to stay uptodate on Dutch EdTech? Sign up for the Dutch EdTech newsletter. 


Any questions? Please get in touch with the EdTech team
Jelle Kok
Karin Eijsink
Programme manager
Ludo van Meeuwen
Floor Visser

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