
Microcredentials: An increasingly familiar concept in continuing education. Within Npuls, we are giving an impulse to these educational units, both within vocational education and training (mbo) as well as higher professional education (hbo) and scientific education (wo). Microcredentialing – offering education in smaller units that are certified separately – promotes the flexibility of education and gives recognizable value to the Lifelong Learning offerings of institutions.

What are microcredentials?

A microcredential is a reliable certificate that allows learners to demonstrate what they know, can do, and understand after successfully completing an educational unit. In other words, a microcredential gives independent value to a smaller educational unit. However, a microcredential is not just about the end result. The entire process, including the learning activities and the associated assessment of learning outcomes, adds value to a microcredential, which is recognized within and outside educational institutions.

Microcredentials in vocational education (mbo)

In vocational education and training (mbo), microcredentials are becoming increasingly significant. Therefore, the mbo sector will start pilots around microcredentialing via Npuls in 2024. This initiative aims to stimulate lifelong learning offerings in the mbo sector.

Click here for more information about microcredentials in vocational education (mbo)

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Microcredentials in higher professional education (hbo) and scientific education (wo)

In higher professional education (hbo) and scientific education (wo), the microcredential has already been introduced. For instance, since October 2021, 34 higher education institutions – including 12 universities and 22 universities of applied sciences – have been participating in the national Pilot Microcredentials in higher education. The pilot will conclude at the end of 2023. What’s next?

Click here for more information about microcredentials in higher professional education (hbo) and scientific education (wo)