Content Advisory Council

The Content Advisory Council (CAR) facilitates the effective deployment of digital educational resources and is the linking pin in a network to jointly achieve quality, impactful and affordable educational resources.

What does the CAR do?

CAR sets requirements for curating collections and increasing findability and reusability. It provides insights into available content, and leverages data to continue to improve collections and bring down costs of educational resources.

We address issues such as:

  • How do we ensure educational resources are more easily reusable and adaptable to specific needs, cultural contexts and current events, including feedback from students and practitioners?
  • In world of tight budgets, how do we ensure cost efficiency which benefits learners and institutions?
  • With new educational resources, how do we create a culture that promotes continuous knowledge exchange and learning beyond formal education?
  • How do we increase the (re)use of OERs?


What if we…

… collect and use data and knowledge about students who get stuck?

And make this available for collections of up-to-date and quality OERs that help.

… join forces and all share our knowledge, skills and experience with colleagues?

To effectively create quality OERs that are easily adaptable.

… collaborate with commercial providers and bring them into our practice?

And thus have adaptable and better deployable resources that are also affordable.


We organise regular conferences to discuss with education professionals how we can increase the supply of digital educational resources for mbo, hbo and wo and what challenges stand in the way of this. The results of these conferences should lead to a number of pilots to be worked out in concrete terms across the higher education sectors.

We will announce the date of the next conference soon.

For and by users

CAR is for and by users; we want to grow and broaden our expertise. We now consist of librarians, education support staff and teachers from subject communities in higher education, who are concerned with the effective use of digital educational resources. Expansion to include other education experts and representatives from secondary schools is crucial. We would like to collaborate with education professionals, such as:

  • Teachers from mbo, hbo and wo working together in subject communities or involved in educational improvement.
  • Educational support staff from libraries and content creation teams.
  • Policy makers from educational institutions.
  • Members of the Npuls key teams.

Would you like to do something too?

We are looking for enthusiastic education professionals to contribute to increasing the accessibility of quality learning resources by:

  • helping to build collections of educational resources.
  • providing feedback on proof of concepts/pilots.
  • helping to think about the organisation of the CAR.

Do you have questions or would you like to join CAR? Contact.

Sylvia Moes
Advisor open educational resources & innovation manager education